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Mirror Stage


Category : Stage & Flooring

An eye-catching reflective surface of our Mirror Stage creates a dazzling and dynamic effect as guests dance the night away. Mirrors can reflect light and create interesting lighting effects, which can be particularly effective in enhancing the mood and atmosphere of your event. It can also create an illusion of space, making small rooms or venues appear larger and more spacious, which is particularly useful if you have a lot of guests or if your event space is limited.

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Module size : 1m x 1m
Material : Mirror
Height : 10cm min
Note : Stairs included

Add 100k/m2 for above 50 cm

Size recommendation:
For stage minimum is 3×4, recommended height is 40 cm.
For flooring size might varies depends on the area, recommended height is 10cm.
Flooring is the best solution to cover uneven level.